Moor Hens of Nairobi


Copyright: Muokikioko[/caption]

Very shy distinct Upland wetland birds found in undisturbed swamps of Nairobi. Easily recognizable with their flicking of tail that reveals their white rump(butt) and with a red bill with yellow tip. The slightest noise sends them into cover making watching them a very interesting affair especially when in groups. Photography of the same is even more intriguing when you have to wait half a day to a full day just for it to come out let alone face a direction you can get its face and then compose an interesting picture.

In Nairobi they can be sighted at the swamps just after Village Market near ‘Tribe Hotel’ or just before the Runda estate gate. These swamps are an extension of a swamp area that covers part of UNEP (united nations environmental program International Head Quarters) land. Water birds are an indicator of the health of the environment.
(Here’s a public transport map). This location also has fish and it’s a bonus when you find birds of prey (flesh eating birds) with a full meal on the road. Being also next to forest and quiet gardens there are numerous varieties of birds to see both nesting and feeding around here..

Bird checklist in English/French & German is here: Birds of Kenya Checklist for download